Happy Holidays
Today, I let Remy and Scout outside, looked out the window and saw a massive hawk swoop into the yard. It landed on the fence, looking at the dogs. Fortunately, it was cold with snow dust on the ground, so when I called Remy and Scout they came back inside immediately. My heart was racing, I was terrified that the hawk would grab one of the girls and fly away.
Ironically, I love birds. I have been a birder since I was a child, I worked for the Audubon Society, and I keep a bird life list. But, today as Remy and Scout's handler, I was scared of that hawk. Remy and Scout's extensive training, experience and skills make them irreplaceable. And I realized that one member of our search team never gets enough thanks: the flanker, the person who keeps us safe. The flanker is in charge of communication and safety, and works with dog and handler on the trail. We are like a three-legged stool.
This holiday season, I want to thank the "flankers" who have helped Remy, Scout and I search and train, keeping us safe from everything from cars, loose dogs, and chemicals to wild animals and wild humans. Thank you Mr. Hawk for visiting us today and causing no harm. Thank you for being a bold, powerful reminder that police, families and volunteers are all part of our search teams, keeping us safe and helping us find the missing.
Jennifer Jordan Hall
Executive Director