What People are Saying
Prosecutor in capital murder case
“Dear Ms. Hall: I wanted to write you and personally thank you for your expert testimony in the capital murder trials of [redacted].
Your testimony was clear and to the point and jurors can really relate to you and your testimony. You did a great job in testifying in a horribly tragic case involving the murder of two small children. I sincerely appreciate the work that you do and your ability to relate your work to a jury of your peers.
If I can ever be of help to you in your work please do not hesitate to contact me. . . . Thank you again for the amazing job you did on the stand.”
-Ashley Rich, Prosecutor
Parents of Crystal Warner
“We are Mary and Bryan, the parents of Crystal Warner. On July 3, 2016, Bobby Jones and Crystal went missing. On July 8, we learned they had been murdered. Their killer has been arrested and is in jail. But he has refused to tell anyone where he dumped Crystal and Bobby’s bodies.
We had to search for Bobby and Crystal and we didn’t know where to look. We contacted KYK9 Search Dogs, a team that uses search dogs and experienced volunteer searchers to find missing people. We are so thankful and grateful for Jennifer Jordan Hall, the search team and the dogs. Early on, we witnessed K9’s Scout, Remy and Pocket searching for Crystal. We were amazed at how hard they worked and how good their noses were. Bobby was found after 4 long weeks, but Crystal was not found. Our biggest fear was that we would never find Crystal. We prayed for God’s help. Months passed. We prayed more. And, God has answered our prayers. Crystal’s remains were found 2 weeks ago, November 30, 2016.
KYK9 worked tirelessly looking for Crystal for 5 months, never giving up. Jennifer called us every week to check on us and to let us know what and where her plans were for the next search.
We feel blessed to have had KYK9’s help and think the world of KYK9 and Jennifer Jordan Hall. She has treated us with the utmost respect for our feelings and what we are going through. Jennifer is special not only because of her search skills and her special dogs, but because of her passion for helping the families of murder victims, families like ours. We want other families to know about KYK9, so KYK9 can help them like they have helped us.”
- Mary and Bryan
Mother of a missing toddler
2 ½ year old, Christina Norris, tragically drowned in the Ohio River. Nearing the one year anniversary, Christina’s mother, Paige, contacted KYK9 to thank us for searching for Christina. We met. This is a note she sent after we met.
"As part of my grieving and healing, awhile back I reached out on Facebook to this person, Jennifer Jordan Hall, part of a K9 Unit who has 2 very sweet dogs, Remy and Scout. They were the dogs that tried to rescue Christina. I wanted to thank her for trying so hard to save my baby. I was so happy when Jennifer offered for me and my girls to meet the dogs again. We met at a park and immediately both dogs went after Alix who was in her car seat wrapped in an old blanket of Christina’s. The dogs remembered Christina’s scent! Almost a year ago! They were trying to rescue Christina! My God, it was heartwarming.
I guess you just don’t realize stuff. I never even took the time to think that I wasn't the only person affected by the loss of my sweet baby girl! Not only me and my family but the people who tried to help find her and even the dogs! I am so grateful that I got to sit down and talk face to face with Jennifer Jordan Hall and the dogs to say thank you! And I know Christina is safe now and that she is happy where she is. If she could be here today she would tell every one of you, "thank you so much for taking care of my mommy!"
- Paige
Father of veteran with PTSD
Hi Jennifer,
It was good seeing you at Kevin’s visitation. I owe you so much but do not express myself well. The article you wrote is wonderful and captures Kevin, his illness, the efforts made to find him, and the tragic ending to his story. Please share this story. I feel, no know, Kevin is smiling down on you!
- Pat
Police officer who works with KYK9 to find missing children
I am a police officer with Jefferson County Public Schools in Louisville, KY. There is not enough praise I can give to KYK9 Search and Reunite that would suffice. In a city that populates 800,000 people with over 100,000 students, 150 facilities, and 14,000 employees, JCPS needs every advantage we can get. Ms. Jennifer Jordan Hall and I have worked three times together searching for elementary school kids. All three children were found safe.
Any time I hear that a child has fled from school or is lost, I hope the child is found immediately. But once the decision is made to call the KYK9 team, I look forward to seeing them and know the game is now in our favor. I learn something new every time I work with their team. I have learned from Ms. Hall certain things have to happen (i.e., do not touch the child’s desk) and certain questions need to be answered (i.e., where child was last seen).
Once the call is made to KYK9, Jennifer and her team are on their way without hesitation, arriving within 30 minutes. One time, Ms. Hall and the dogs were leaving town to go to an out of state training seminar. She changed her plans to help us. The second time I had the privilege to work with KYK9, a kindergartner boy ran out of school in an urban area with houses, apartments, and busy streets. There were so many places that the child could have hidden it would have been impossible for people to search every nook and cranny. The KYK9 team took us straight to the child and K9 Scout found him safe and sound.
I enjoy working with Ms. Hall. Ms. Hall makes it easy to include me into their team. The dogs are using their noses, Jennifer handles the dogs while looking for the person, and I eventually switch gears to keep my eyes open and look for the child. Once the dog picks up speed, I know good things are about to happen. Their enthusiasm to work and find the child is contagious.
The most recent time we worked together, an eleven year old boy left school, crossing one of the busiest streets in Louisville, and walked over two miles in 90 degree weather to his house. Jennifer asked school personnel questions that I never would have thought to ask in order to save precious time and possibly a precious life. She took scent from the child’s desk and went to his house to start the search. The search included following the boy’s scent through a neighborhood and continued to open fields with large hills, valleys, ditch lines, high grass, woods, and dense vegetation with lots of hiding spots. KYK9 never missed a beat following the boy’s scent.
The boy had been missing for four and a half hours. All three dogs conducted searches over a two hour time span in the hot sun. K9 Pocket found the boy who was dehydrated and hiding in the dense wooded area with low hanging trees. Having KYK9 there made a huge difference. I am so proud to say I was with K9 Pocket on her first “real world” rescue.
Without KYK9, this boy would probably not have been found before it got dark or until the next day. Without KYK9 the outcome, literally, could have been life-threatening. KYK9 is one of the most important parts of our department. K9 Remy, K9 Scout and K9 Pocket do things that people cannot. Ms. Hall goes well above and beyond to accommodate in their effort and ours. Not to mention the time, effort, and money saved, the entire KYK9 team saves lives. Even though the reasons may not be the best of circumstances to see each other, it is always an honor and privilege to work with Jennifer and the KYK9 team.
- Officer Mike
Crystal Warner and Bobby Jones
Search and Rescue
“Jennifer - After talking to the fire chief I learned that the elderly man we searched for and found this week had walked the entire distance. He had walked nearly the exact track K9 Scout had led us on. He had traveled 2.9 miles. Very impressive.”
- SAR Fire Squad Leader
Christina and her mom, Paige.
Father of missing college student
I just wanted to take a moment and thank you for your enthusiasm, your caring demeanor and your selflessness. Not many people in this world would continue to press the issue and help an unknown family like you have. I am truly amazed and I feel blessed. Thank you again for your incredible heart throughout this trying time.
- John
Police re working with KYK9
Thank you again for letting me tag along with your search efforts. It was a learning experience for me and your team is absolutely a joy to work with. It was a pleasure working with you and your team, both human and K9!! I love your dogs to pieces. You guys are doing a great service and hope people are appreciative of it. My prayers be with you in your journeys for safe travels and successful results!!
-Sergeant, Kentucky State Police
Police officer who works with KYK9
Jennifer, I have tremendous respect for the abilities of search dogs and the dedication of their handlers/owners. I cannot imagine a more professional and dedicated individual than you.
Your care about your dogs was obvious and exemplary. I was impressed with the way you made use of the resources as they changed and became available. It was an honor to have you and your dogs contribute to this important effort.
Know your efforts that they are greatly appreciated. Thank your dogs for me. The conditions were tough; but, they performed wonderfully.