KYK9 Search Dogs
Human Remains Detection K9
Professional Search Dog Services
KYK9 provides professional scent-detection and search dog services to families of the missing, law enforcement, governmental agencies, archaeologists, and tribal nations. We deploy search dog teams to locate lost or missing persons; find forensic evidence; and locate human remains on land and water. We work missing persons cases, cold cases, and homicides. We provide K9 archaeological human remains detection (arcHRD) services, also known as K9 arcHRD surveys, to help locate and protect historic and pre-contact burials. Our arcHRD K9 have successfully located many human remains and burials, some that are 2,000 years old. Based in Kentucky, we provide search dog services throughout the Midwest and the United States. KYK9 is organized exclusively for non-profit charitable purposes and is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization.
K9 Pocket gets rewarded after a successful search.
“KYK9’s efforts in this investigation were nothing short of extraordinary. The work KYK9 does is truly wholesome and provides a service to law enforcement and families of missing persons that cannot be expressed adequately.”
— Sgt. Belcher, Frankfort Police Department
Our Clients
Missing persons, lost persons, runaways, trafficking victims
Law Enforcement
Missing persons, cold cases, homicides, forensic evidence
Tribes and Archaeologists
Archaeological human remains detection - K9 HRD surveys