Meet Our Multi-Disciplinary Team
KYK9 has a talented and dedicated multi-disciplinary team. Sarah Freeman, our flanker technician, works directly with Jennifer and K9 Pocket on all deployments. Sarah provides comfort and assists families when K9 Pocket discovers human remains. This is an emotionally charged task that helps bring closure to families during their most difficult time.
Dr. Chris Begley, PhD, an archeologist and professor at Transylvania University, is highly regarded for his work in Central America as well as his diving discovery/recovery of underwater artifacts. His vast field experience and unique skills, along with his calm demeanor, help make our searches successful.
Dr. Cheryl Johnston, PhD, a board certified diplomat in forensic anthropology, is at the top of her field. K9 Pocket and Jennifer trained at the human decomposition facility Dr. Johnston created at Western Carolina University. Dr. Johnston, now at Ohio State University, provides authorities and families with forensic confirmation and identification.
KYK9 is blessed to have many volunteers including enthusiastic, hard-working college students and recent graduates as part of our team as well. Their assistance is indispensable to KYK9 and provides them field experience. We are also humbled to have volunteers from families we have helped in the past, who then turn around to offer their time to help other families.
This takes incredible courage, resilience, and generosity. We would like to recognize and thank the following individuals. We could not do our work without the entire team.
John Schweikart, archaeologist
Jeremy Pless, anthropologist
Holly Williamson, anthropologist
Taylor Bryan, archaeologist
Lillie Ambrose, anthropologist
Brittany Wexler, anthropologist
Christine Wible, anthropologist
Maria Saniel-Barney, anthropologist
Zaida Jones, undergraduate
Joe Freeman
Julie Boyd, SSF, UPS
Kevin and Christy Thomas,
Family of Brittney Thomas
Sharyn Mitchell, Berea College
Bella Begley, lab tech, freelance artist
Aaron Cruse, industrial electrician, Ford