KYK9 Blog

Parents' Place
“I strongly believe that there is great need in our community to build awareness about KYK9 and how it can be used to find your missing loved one, child or adult. I am looking forward to working with Jennifer and the KYK9 team to help bring awareness to what KYK9 has to offer our community.” - Lori Wilson, Parent and KYK9 Board Member

Summer Camp
This year KYK9 participated in Dreams with Wings Summer Camps, one for children with autism and other for children with Down Syndrome. Collaborating with Nathalie Green, owner and riding instructor at TRAIL Therapy Horses, we spent two days at her farm in Simpsonville, KY.

So, You want to be a Search Dog Handler?
Do you ever wonder if you and your dog would make a good search dog team? Would you like to join KYK9 as a handler or a flanker?

Happy Holidays
This holiday season, I want to thank the "flankers" who have helped Remy, Scout and I search and train, keeping us safe from everything from cars, loose dogs, and chemicals to wild animals and wild humans.

Searching for $cents: Annual Fund Drive
We hope you will become an active KYK9 supporter and make a financial contribution as part of your year-end giving.

Christina’s Story
Christina was with family members on the shore when she disappeared around 11 AM. Law enforcement responded quickly, sending rescue workers, divers, officers, firefighters, and EMTs. KYK9 was part of the search efforts.

Scent in Sizzling Summer
Given this summer's record breaking heat wave, I wanted to explain how heat effects a search dog’s efforts to find a missing person.

Searching for Kevin
In October 2011, 25 yr. old Kevin Eve, an Iraq war veteran and experienced caver, went missing in a remote wooded caving area in Harrison County, Indiana. KYK9 was called to help search for Kevin.

Remy and Scout Love Asta's Family Photos
Has your dog ever watched "The Thin Man" and sequel movies from the 1930s? Hollywood stars Myrna Loy and William Powell played Detective Nick and Nora Charles, an irreverent, witty couple who co-starred with an equally independent, smart dog, Asta.

Happy Thanksgiving!
This year, KYK9 had a record number of callouts and served a highly diverse population. We searched for an infant, several children, the elderly, two college students, mentally ill adults, several war veterans, a mother of 5-year-old triplets, and the human remains of disaster victims of the Joplin, MO tornado.

Two Happy Endings
A woman missing for 4 days, and an elderly man are found alive and well.